Sunday, December 17, 2006

Third Sunday of Advent

“Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished (Luke 1:45). Today’s message focused on Mary’s magificat, reminding us all of the wonder and miracle of Christ’s coming.

Dad’s hearing doesn’t do well in situations that require sound-systems. He enjoys singing, reading scripture, and all aspects of participating in worship but I am afraid that much of the preaching gets past him—because of the hearing thing. I’ve taken to outlining the sermon on a sheet of paper so he can follow the line of thought but that’s got to get old for him.

Poppy enjoys the music and music is often a big part of our Sundays. Today, Kittilu (Poppy’s daughter in-law) played in an atrium ensemble between services. She’s the one in the red top in the photos. Natalie (his grand-daughter) was the “bearer of light” lit the advent candle. Later, Kitti helped lead the congregational singing—mostly carols today.

Mexican food for lunch.

Now we’re home. Poppy’s doing the crossword in today’s paper. Not a bad day in all.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Rick --

On your blogger dashboard, under "Settings" > "Permissions," there's a place to invite other contributors to author your blog. Send your brother an invitation, and I'll show him how to add my favorite Christmas-era photo of Poppy (circa about 25 years ago). RB